Capella A

I chose this star because it is also a part of the top 10 brightest stars in the sky which means it is one of the most known. It is the most prominent in the constellation Auriga and sixth brightest in the sky. It is a part of a star system composed of four stars in two binary pairs. The first two are giant stars and the second pair, around 10,000 astronomical units from the others, are two small, faint, and cool red dwarfs.

Star: Capella A

Chemical makeup: helium, carbon, oxygen

Location in space: Right ascension- 5 hr 16 min 41.4 sec
Declination- +45 degrees 59' 52.8"
42.2 light years from Sun
Spectrum analysis of most abundant chemical (helium):
Helium spectra.jpg

Stellar classification: G5III red giant star
100,000 Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from

Internet STELLAR DATABASE. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2015, from
Capella. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2015, from
 Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2015, from 

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