
I chose this star because it is the most prominent star of the constellation Leo, andbeing born in July, Leo is my zodiac sign. It represents a lion, and also, my horoscope of this sign usually reads true! ;) The constellation is marked by six stars: Epsilon LeonisMu LeonisZeta LeonisGamma LeonisEta Leonis, and Alpha Leonis. H.A. Rey depicted a way to connect the stars in which it shows a lion walking. In Greek mythology, Leo was identified as the immortal and invincible Nemean Lion which was killed by Hercules in order to save the women it "brought to their misfortune., and Zeus commemorated this heroic labor by placing the lion in the sky.

Star: Regulus (Alpha Leonis)

Chemical makeup: white dwarfs are composed of carbon and oxygen

Location in space: Right ascension- A; 10 hr 8 min 22.311 sec & B; 10 hr 8 min 12.8 sec
Declination- A; +11 degrees 58' 1.95" & B; +11 degrees 59' 48"

Spectrum analysis of most abundant chemical (carbon):
Carbon Spectra.jpg

Stellar classification: blue-white "B" star; white dwarf star

Image result for regulus

100,000 Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from
Regulus. (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from 
Regulus is the Lion’s Heart | (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from 

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