Thursday, February 18, 2016

Flame Test Lab

We did the flame test lab today in class. I think this was one of the cooler labs we have done, and it was really interesting to see how different metals burn in different colors.

I'm not sure what those rings are, but it looks awesome... :P

This is the source we used to find the wavelengths from knowing the colors:

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Review of Acids and Bases

This was a website that I found very valuable in reviewing acids and bases. It provides everything you need to know from the properties of acids and bases to how to conduct titration. I wish that I would have had this source in studying for the test.


Titration was the most challenging aspect of this unit for me. Although the problems are generally conducted in the same way, it becomes confusing whenever there are contradicting mole ratios and confusingly worded questions. I would say that this was definitely the thing I struggled with most during the exam.

Here is an intro to titration:

Post Exam Thoughts

Before taking the exam, I felt like I had a pretty good idea as to what I was doing with acids and bases and titration... After, not so much. The way that the questions were worded on this exam really threw me off, so I had to definitely make educated guesses on a few. I hope that what I knew led me to get a decent grade, we'll see!!