Elements in the Stars

Hi everyone!! This is my own online database that tracks elements in the stars. I have found some of the most famous stars and provided essential information on them. It's interesting to know more in-depth information about the stars that comprise outer space and what they're actually made of rather than just knowing they're there. How do scientists actually know the composition of stars? I mean, you can't just go out to space and grab a chunk of a star right? Well, you'll be glad to know that the findings aren't made up because each element and molecule, when heated up or excited, emits specific wavelengths of light. This allows scientists to recognize the element's "fingerprint", whether it lives on Earth or in space. So without further ado, here is my very own star blog!

Star Log
1. Regulus
2. Sun
3. Polaris
4. Sirius
5. Alpha Centauri A
6. Rigel A
7. Vega
8. Antares
9. Canopus
10. Capella A
11. Procyon
12. Achernar
13. Betelgeuse
14. Aldebaran
15. Arcturus

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