Monday, April 18, 2016

About Biodiesel

Biodiesel is the healthy, earth-friendly alternative to diesel gasoline. Made from natural products, it is more efficient as well as less harmful to the environment. In fact, it's remains can actually benefit the ecosystem where it is left!


  1. Thanks Avery for this post. I like how you started with the simple benefits that many people are unaware of, that pertain to biodiesel. Your pictures were also a great addition in showing the positive reputation and the process in which it is made. The addition of links were great to help me read into more facts that I did not understand before.

  2. I agree with Holly! I really like how you explained what bio-diesel was and included information that not everyone would know. These posts are normally about the things that we are doing in class, but I like how you spun it so it was informational as well!
