Sunday, March 6, 2016

Electron Configuration

This topic was probably the easiest to grasp for me. You just have to remember the four subshells and their locations (Smart People Drop First semester), and then you are able to formulate a configuration for an element. It is essentially their address, and it leads you to where they are located. It was fairly easy to make a configuration for an element as well as locate an element from a given configuration. There are 6 exceptions that we were accountable for, and they weren't difficult to remember either.


  1. Thanks for the great post Avery! I agree that this lesson was the easiest to remember, as there was really no math and it had simple patterns to memorize. I enjoy the pictures that you provided, they really helped to further explain what you were talking about. Also, I enjoyed that you included the six exceptions, because many people forget about these for the exams. Thanks again!

  2. I also thought this lesson was an easy concept to grasp. I like how you included the way to remember the different sublevels.
