Monday, September 28, 2015

Forensic Archaeology Lab

In class today, we began the archaeology lab to research half life. All we got to do today was cut out the 567 squares that represented atoms of the radioactive remains taken from the skeleton that was found by deer hunters. In a quiet town in South Carolina, they stumbled across the skeletal remains and are teaming with archaeologists to found out the mystery. All in all, we are researching the rate at which the body decayed to see the approximate time she was killed. Here is a picture of the 567 squares we cut out!

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate your insight into what this project was about because I missed a day of school and did not know what the purpose of the squares was! I can feel your pain on cutting out all those squares because I had the same amount to cut out! You highlighted a lot of important background information when you talked about what animal these squares, or "radioactive" atoms represented and where the atoms were found!
