Thursday, October 1, 2015

Post Star Project

Today is the due date for our star project, and I'm really proud of mine. I finished several days early, and I think it has good content as well as organization and appearance. At first, I struggled with finding some of the chemicals in the stars, and since I started early, no one had shared helpful links yet so I was kinda left on my own. I eventually figured it out though, but it would have definitely been helpful to have those links ahead of time. All in all, I found it super interesting to actually look at our stars in depth. Not only did I not know much if anything about stars, I had no idea a majority of them even existed. So it was really cool to be able to see what is actually out there!

Here are a couple of links I used for my project:


  1. I agree that the project was much easier after the links were shared. I actually liked this project since I find stars way more interesting than plants. And thanks for sharing the links, I actually used a few of those stars in my own project.

  2. I agree that the project was much easier after the links were shared. I actually liked this project since I find stars way more interesting than plants. And thanks for sharing the links, I actually used a few of those stars in my own project.
