Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aspirin Lab

Today, we finished our second day of the lab and are now going to leave the crystals to dry over fall break. It was really cool to come in this morning and see the transition from just liquid to actual crystals.
We utilized measurement by using a scale to weigh parts of our experiment such as the starting material, the watch glass, and the filter paper. We will be recording the dried material once we come back.

Here is a reference to the experiment itself! http://www.chem.latech.edu/~deddy/chem104/104Aspirin.htm

And, below are pictures of our measurements and the aspirin so far:


1 comment:

  1. Avery, thanks for posting some pictures of the lab!! I was unable to do the Aspirin lab so I found these pictures to be very helpful in showing me what all I missed.
