Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Metals Lab

Today, we did a lab testing the reactivity of some metals with different solutions, such as water and HCl. It was interesting to see reactions of metals first-hand and how different things reacted. For example, some bubbled and fizzed, some smoked, and some simply changed colors. All in all, we had to mak our own reactivity series depending on the results, and this helped me better understand this concept by making my own and just witnessing it myself. Below is a picture of some of the reactions!

Here is an example of a reactivity series. As shown, the elements towards the top are the mots reactive with most things, and vice versa.

Also, here is a link that explains reactivity series: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zqjsgk7/revision

1 comment:

  1. I myself really enjoyed doing this lab; it was fun to see all the reactions for myself and prove the reactivity series! I like how you added the picture of the reactions; it shows all the different outcomes from the different metals. Nice post!
