Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Unit Exam

Today, we took the unit test for stoichiometry. I think that I did better than I anticipated, but it was definitely easy to make mistakes. Especially since there was two times that 2 or 3 questions went with one reaction/equation, so if the first question was messed up, then so were the rest. I felt like I had an easier time on the test than the quiz, but I'm just really anxious to get my score back.

One thing I hate to admit, but I struggled on remembering polyatomics... Specifically chlorate. I ended up getting it, but it definitely took me some time to remember. Also, I think the hardest thing for me with this unit was simply the way that the questions were worded. I know how to do stoichiometry pretty well, but when different types of information is given in a question with different formats, I get confused.

All in all, I enjoyed this unit. Unlike the rest, it was a basic background that simply needed to be applied in different ways, whereas other units had a lot of different concepts to apply.

Here is a video that reviews stoich:

And this is a source that also reviews, but provides a broad array of information with review problems as well: http://www.chemteam.info/Stoichiometry/Stoichiometry.html


  1. Today on the unit test I had felt overall comfortable with the material. In order to prepare for the test, I just did the online test on school with my sister who is going to college for chemistry. In regards to the polyatomics, I really feel like chlorates are the hardest to remember because there are four type of them. I would recommend just flipping through your flash cards once in a while. Great post!

  2. I had a similar experience on the test today as I felt pretty good, but know I have some concepts to work on. Thank you for the great links you posted! I can use these links for my final studies!

  3. I know we discussed a lot about what we were going to do to prepare for this exam as well as what we thought would be on it. One thing that we did forget to mention was the polyatomic ions because I had the exact same experience. I couldn't remember chlorate but after a while I was finally able to figure it out. This blog post is great because it relates to the thoughts of the test overall as well as providing material to use to study for the final.
